Our road to our logo.

Oct 12, 2021


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our next blog post!

Today we talk about the birth of our logo.

It all started with the Dali mask.

This was our inspiration.

We teamed with the talented gaming designer RED1GFX. He liked our idea and our vision. In our imagination we thought about something like a Cyber Dali masked Hero, a good looking guy who you can count on with a futuristic mask. One thing came to another and he started drawing.

This was RED1GFX first creation for us.

After seeing this we were blown away. For RED1GFX this wasn’t enough he changed it a little bit to following:

This was his second take.
Left: Colored first creation from RED1GFX. Right: After our corrections the end product.

This is how our logo was developed.

We hoped you liked this article and it was interesting for you to see how our logo was developed. See you next time.




Written by LCDPToken

First NFT Game without a Presale

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